

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 安徽省 亳州市 利辛县 利辛县工业园区利张路10号
  • 姓名: 代磊
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:印刷 印刷耗材
  • 发布日期:2025-03-31
  • 阅读量:860
  • 价格:5.00 元/米 起
  • 产品规格:1m-2m
  • 产品数量:100000.00 米
  • 包装说明:塑料袋
  • 发货地址:安徽亳州利辛县  
  • 关键词:丝印网纱,网纱,网纱丝印网纱


    安徽省亳州市利辛县安徽亿鑫筛网有限公司 专业从事生产销售:各种规格目数锦纶单丝滤布、涤纶筛网、蚕丝筛绢、制药锦纶筛网、摇摆颗粒机筛网、丝印网布、丝印网纱、尼龙筛网、印刷网丝,聚乙烯筛网、聚丙、聚酯筛网、酒精过滤网、电子防尘网、除尘环保滤袋、酒精污泥处理滤布、木薯淀粉脱水滤布、化工过滤袋、板框压滤机滤布、洗煤滤布、不锈钢筛网、丙纶滤布等各种型号筛网、滤布及磁性软纱门制造厂。本公司拥有从瑞士引进的苏尔寿片梭织机HP7300和P7150达160多台,同时拥有从瑞典引进的FORMSTAR聚酯成型机和先进的产智能型电子分条整经机、水洗设备、定型机。还拥有集生产、管理、销售于的专业工作团队。丝网产品已经**海外市场,在各主要城市设有销售代理,产品出口东南亚、南美、欧洲,质量得到了客户的认可。公司生产的产品:网面平整、目孔准确、伸长率低、丝印性能好,已被广泛应用到电子行业、丝绸化纤、陶瓷印花、印制电路板、印花制版、标牌广告、花纸、过滤、箱包、环保、纺织、陶瓷、玻璃、油墨等行业的印刷制版和航空航天、石化等高科技领域的溶体过滤。聚酯成形网在市场也占有较大的份额。公司拥有专业知识较强、理论知识过硬的技术人才。 其中 黑色涤纶丝网、黑色尼龙筛网是电子行家理想规格的辅助材料网纱张力、拉力强,使用寿命长优点, 公司的宗旨是:以质量求生存,以信誉求发展.欢迎新老客户洽谈业务,来电来函咨询Anhui HuiLong screen mesh co., LTD. Is a professional engaged in the production of sales: all kinds of mesh nylon monofilament filter cloth, polyester mesh, silk screen cloth, pharmaceutical, nylon mesh, swing particles machine screen, screen printing, silk screen mesh cloth gauze screen mesh, nylon mesh, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyester mesh, alcohol filter, electronic dustproof net, dust removal environmental protection filter bag, filter cloth, cassava starch dehydrated alcohol sludge treatment, chemical filter bag filter cloth, plate and frame filter press filter cloth, coal washing filter cloth, stainless steel mesh, all sorts of model such as polypropylene filter cloth screen mesh, filter cloth and soft screen door magnetic manufacturers.The company has imported from Switzerland sulzer gripper loom HP7300 and P7150 is more than 160 units, at the same time, has imported from Sweden FORMSTAR polyester molding machine and advanced German intelligent electronic sectional warping machine, washing equipment, setting machine.Also has a collection of production, management, sales in the integration of professional work team.Wire mesh products have been exported to overseas markets, has sales agents in all major cities in China, products are exported to southeast Asia, South America, Europe, the quality customer recognition.The products of the company: smooth surface, accurate bore, low extension, silk-screen, and has been widely applied to the electronics industry, silk, chemical fiber, ceramic printing, circuit board printing, advertising, printing, advertising board, color paper, filter, bags, environmental protection, textile, ceramic, glass, printing ink industries such as printing plate making and aerospace, petrochemical, and other areas of the high-tech melt filter.Polyester molding network also occupy a larger share in the domestic market.The company has a group of professional knowledge and reliable technical talents with theoretical knowledge.Of black polyester silk net, black nylon mesh is one of the electronic professional ideal specifications of the auxiliary materials, net yarn tension, strong tension, service life long advantages, the company's aim is: strives for the survival by the quality, seek development by credibility. Welcome new and old customers to negotiate business, to consulting with us聚酯网纱,涤纶网纱,尼龙网纱,涤纶单丝网纱,批发印刷网丝
    欢迎来到利辛县亿鑫筛网织造有限公司网站, 具体地址是安徽省亳州市利辛县利辛县工业园区利张路10号,联系人是代磊。 主要经营安微利辛县筛网厂、是专业生产网纱厂家、.用于印刷.印花.过滤.丝网制版.电子等的网纱 涤纶网纱 尼龙网纱 丝印网纱 印花网纱.尼龙丝绢.筛绢,涤纶丝绢、尼龙·规格有80目 100目 120目 140目 150目 160目 180目 200目 220目 250目 260目 280目 300目 350目 400目 420目。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。 本司供应筛网,网纱,滤网等产品,真正的为客户创造价值、节省费用,实现“设备永续、设备**”!